Advantages of Alpaca Manure | Alpacas of Montana


Advantages of Alpaca Manure

  • 2 min read
Composting supports sustainable agriculture and leaves the world a better place for the generations that will follow ours. It is an earth-friendly way of obtaining the nutrients for growing plants.

large yellow tractor used to turn over compost

On our farm in Montana, we have 150+/- alpaca creating alpaca fiber and alpaca manure.  Due to the unique digestive system of the alpaca, their manure offers qualities that other composts and organic products do not,  without the need of adding chemical or artificial nutrients.  Green Buddz alpaca compost is chemical free and weed free, containing the ideal balance of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium for growing.  Alpaca manure provides your plants with macro and micro nutrients, as well as organic matter. 

pile of alpaca compost dirt

Why we compost:  On our farm we generate continuous amounts of manure.  When it is composted, the heat generated naturally pasteurizes the pile, eliminating not only the odor but also weed seeds creating a high-quality natural fertilizer with low vegetable matter and a high concentration of nutrients. 

The final product is laboratory tested to ensure safety and guarantees healthy, flourishing plants.  It is a simple yet effective recycling method.  The result is an excellent source of macro- and micro-nutrients as well as stable organic matter, all of which support healthy plant growth. In addition, the micro-organisms in compost aid in the suppression of plant pathogens. Additionally, compost retains water extremely well resulting in improved drought resistance, a longer growing season, and reduced soil erosion.

compost lifecycle information diagram

What is the difference between manure and compost?

Manure used directly from the animal can still contain weed seeds, grass seeds and the nutrients have not been broken down to be readily available for plants.

Compost is manure that has been allowed to cure and is stabilized as a fertilizer and soil amendment. The manure breaks down with water, carbon and heat.  As organic matter cures, it naturally creates heat from bacteria.   Once it is composted, the product is stabilized and can be applied directly as fertilizer and / or soil amendment to plants, shrubs, gardens and lawns. 

The finished compost has a pleasant, earthy odor and a nice dark brown to black color.


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